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2023 Federal Budget: Stronger foundations for a better future

‘Seeing our people through the hard times – and setting our country up for a better future’ “While Australia may have a lot coming at us – we have a lot going for us too” – Dr Jim Chalmers, 2023-2024 Federal Budget Speech.



  • Superannuation
  • Taxation
  • Individuals living with disability and senior Australians
  • Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme modifications



This year, four central themes have emerged in The federal Government’s 2023-24 Budget

  • responsible cost of living relief,
  • further support to Medicare and the care sector more broadly,
  • building a framework to address the dual challenges of funding clean energy programmes whilst reinforcing areas associated with economic innovation and new skills acquisition; and
  • leveraging the forecast Budget surplus to strengthen the Australian economy and lay a foundation to weather expected weakness in global growth in the coming years.

The 2023 Federal Budget seeks to respond to the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous issues facing the world today.  It looks to be a Budget that emphasises the fundamental importance of fiscal responsibility in the domestic context.

Funding for vulnerable Australians will be directed towards boosting assistance with:

  • utility and medical costs,
  • furthering of affordable housing schemes,
  • enhanced access to welfare measures targeting the older unemployed, and single parents, and
  • increasing the wages of aged care workers.

To further sustainable jobs growth, 300,000 free TAFE places will be created to invest in the training of Australians in key occupations and up-and-coming sectors.



‘Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions’

The generous tax concessions available to superannuation fund members will be oriented towards those with more modest account balances.

This will be implemented by individuals being subject to a 15% tax on the corresponding earnings of their total superannuation fund balance that exceeds $3 million. This measure is anticipated to commence on 1 July 2025. It will not be retrospective in nature. And, earnings associated with fund balances below $3 million will carry on being taxed at a maximum of 15% in accumulation phase, and have zero tax continuing to apply to retirement phase income streams.

Defined benefit scheme interests will have aligned treatment under this measure.

Greater equity for Superannuation Guarantee recipients

From 1 July 2026, the payment of Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’) entitlements will be brought into line with an employee’s salary (or wages) cycle. Currently, SG is only required to be paid quarterly, which can create opacity surrounding the correctness of entitlements paid within any particular timeframe, especially for those in part-time or casual roles. Furthermore, increasing the regularity of payments into superannuation is intended to assist in enhancing retirement balance outcomes for all Australians – irrespective of the nature or type of work undertaken.  



Revenue protection

Ensuring taxpayers meet their correct personal income tax obligations is an ongoing priority of the Federal Government. Additional funding will be provided to the Australian Taxation Office and Treasury to allow them to proactively develop and implement appropriate revenue protection strategies. Such a move is intended to specifically address known areas of revenue risk, such as the availability of tax deductions for short-term rental properties. 

Small business support

From 1 July 2023, the instant asset write-off threshold will be temporarily increased to $20,000, with small businesses having aggregated turnover under $10 million able to obtain an immediate tax deduction for a single asset or multiple assets acquired up to this threshold, which are installed or ready for use by 30 June 2024.


Individuals living with disability and senior Australians

Implementing Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was tabled in 2021, and outlined a number of recommendations to improve the aged care system. In this Federal Budget, the Government has proposed to allocate substantial funding to implement some of those recommendations, specifically aimed at:

•     Ensuring stronger regulation for the aged care sector and putting measures in place to improve the health and safety of older Australians in care

•     Increasing pay for aged care workers by 15% from 30 June 2023

•     Revamping the in-home aged care system, including increasing accessibility to Home Care Packages, establishing a single aged care assessment system and enabling the creation of a new consolidated Support at Home Program. The Support at Home Program will commence on 1 July 2025 following feedback from the sector, and

•     Enhancing the delivery of aged care services, including extending the Disability Support for Older Australians Program, incentivising the continuation of primary care in residential aged care, improving the viability of the aged care sector more generally as well as creating placement systems to allow the selection of an aged care provider.  

One-off Work Bonus Credit for Pensioners

Age and Veteran Age pensioners will receive a one-off $4,000 credit to their Work Bonus, and their maximum Work Bonus income bank will be temporarily increased to $11,800 until 31 December 2023.

This measure should benefit clients who are receiving the Centrelink or Veteran’s Age pension, and wish to either start work or increase their work hours without jeopardising their entitlements.


Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme modifications

Increase of Medicare low-income thresholds

The Medicare levy low-income threshold for singles, families, seniors and pensioners will modestly increase from 1 July 2022, making this measure applicable for the current financial year. The increase in these thresholds is intended to address cost-of-living concerns following the recent uplifts in the Consumer Price Index, and enable low-income individuals to remain exempt from paying the Medicare levy.

Improved access to medical care

Accessibility of medical care will be extended in several ways, including funding:

  • that provides bulk-billing incentives to General Practitioners for Commonwealth concession card holders and those aged under 16
  • enabling further access to after-hours medical care services, and
  • which improves the ability of frequent hospital patients to access multidisciplinary care services, especially for those living with chronic health conditions or in remote communities.

Louise Laing

Louise founded Salus Private Wealth to offer high quality personal advice to clients who want to work closely with an adviser for the long term. Her philosophy that understanding each individual and their motivations and needs is key to an enduring and successful financial planning relationship is at the heart of the business.

She first engaged the services of a financial adviser herself when she was in her early 20s (long before becoming one) and believes the non-judgemental support and education about her position and options provided at this early stage has allowed her to make confident decisions in different aspects of life since then.

This confidence and positivity in making choices, financial or not, is what she wants to give to her clients.

Superannuation & Retirement

Superannuation is one of the largest and longest duration investments most people in Australia have, making it a critical part of long-term planning even if retirement feels like a distant objective. For those in the lead into retirement, we design strategies so you have peace of mind that when you start to draw on your retirement savings, you have liquidity and stability to support that.

Legislation and rules are changed regularly, so advice can help you take advantage of opportunities to build for the future. We are authorised to provide advice on and to SMSFs.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at


Protecting your wealth, lifestyle and family is high on the priority list for many clients and this is an area of advice need that can change very quickly. Ensuring you have the cover you need can give peace of mind that what’s important is taken care of in the event of illness, injury and death, but we also make sure over time you are not paying for cover you no longer need.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at

Estate Planning

While talking about death doesn’t seem like a particularly appealing prospect, it’s a topic we see as a vital part of financial planning. Importantly, it’s a topic for every adult, regardless of their stage in life. Without a proper estate plan assets may not be passed where you’d like them to go, family conflict can ensue, and in the event you lose capacity there may not be an authority in place for the person you would choose to make those decisions for you to do so. While it can be an uncomfortable subject, we are experienced in facilitating these conversations as part of our advice process.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at

Strategic Debt & Cashflow

Managing debt efficiently can have a material impact on your financial wellbeing and lifestyle. Having a solid plan to understand where your money goes and manage cashflow and debt can eliminate stress and set you on a positive path toward achieving your goals.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at


Once we have a clear understanding of what we are aiming for and how you feel about taking on investment risk, we can help direct your funds into appropriate investments to meet your goals. This includes recommending the investment structure, consideration of tax implications, asset types, and putting together a suitable blend for you. You will have transparency of and access to view your investments, providing security.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at

Aged Care

Aged care needs can arise suddenly. The complexity of managing this can be a significant challenge at a time when your focus should be on the person requiring care. We can assess the alternative funding options to ensure you make an informed choice in the best interests of the person requiring care.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 8044 3057 or email us at

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The Trustee for Laing Weaver Family Trust T/A Salus Private Wealth (Corporate Authorised Representative No. 1305571) and all our advisers are Authorised Representatives of Sambe Investments Pty Ltd T/A Finchley & Kent, Australian Financial Services Licence No. 478766, ABN 67 078 995 856, and has its registered office at Three International Towers, Level 24, Tower 3, 300 Barangaroo Avenue.

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